The following steps should ensure efficiency and smoothness on your Koshering day appointment.

Step 1. Contact us for your Koshering appointment at 647-228-8047

Step 2.  Gather your used ceramic, used glazed earthen wear, used china, used coffee mugs all in a box and place them outside the kitchen.  You will be given instructions regarding those items when we come to Kosher your kitchen.

Step 3.  Ensure that all of your cooking utensils, cutlery, hard plastic and glass plates bowls and drinking glasses are clean, label and residue free and unused for 24 hour prior to the appointment.

Step 4.  Your countertops, sink, island, stovetop, oven, dishwasher and microwave, should be clean and free of  food particles or residue for Koshring day.  There should be no use of the kitchen especially for hot prepared foods 24 hours before the appointment.  On the day of the appointment, please ensure that all surfaces listed in Step 4 are unobstructed (that is remove toasters, electric tea kettles, etc from the counters).

Step 5.  Please gather your glass and hard plastic drinking glasses, wine glasses, glass and hard plastic bowls and plates in a shallow carton or crate. Place the crate(s) together on a wooden kitchen or dining room table.

Step 6.  Please leave all cutlery in cupboards labeled “cutlery”.  Do the same for pots labeled “pots”.  Do the same for barbecue utensils, frying pans and baking trays labeled “baking”.  The labels should be visible on the cupboard of where the respective utensils are left for Koshering.

If you have crystal and other rare glassware, please leave them in their place labeled “crysrtal”.   You will be given instructions regarding those items when we come to Kosher your kitchen.

Toasters, toaster ovens, blenders, and other small appliances can be left on a wooden dining room table next to the items in Step 5.

All of the above refers to used items only.   Never before used food preparation utensils should be placed in a box on the floor under the wooden table mentioned in Step 5

If you have crystal and other rare glassware, please leave them in their place labeled crystal. You will be given instructions regarding those items when we come to Kosher your kitchen.

Toasters, toaster ovens, blenders, and other small appliances can be left on a wooden dining room table next to the items in Step 5.

All of the above refers to used items only. Never before used food preparation utensils should be placed in a box on the floor under the wooden table mentioned in Step 5.

How long does the koshering process usually take?

When we come to Kosher your kitchen, it should take between 2 and 3 hours.


Any questions, call the Rabbi at Kosher Way Canada 647-228-8047
Disclaimer:  It is understood that not all utensils are able to undergo the kashering process.  We at Kosher Way Canada will take all precautions necessary to preserve the integrity of the kashered item and or property.  If for any reason, a property is damaged due to direct handling or due to advise, Kosher Way Canada will not be held liable for the loss.